Monday, February 24, 2014

Getting ready for a  few days off,   heading south for some warm weather.  I have to pack and think of all the great beading things I must take, skip the beads as I always have a bag of those, the key is not to take more than realistic.  That does always seem to be a problem, but extra beads are always okay.  I just love my traveling bead board by bead buddy it has a beading mat in it and you put beads,scissors half  done projects in and close the cover and it folds up to the size of a small laptop.  Once on the plane you can put down the little tray table open up the bead buddy top and everything is  on the tray table, if you have to put it away quick and just close the cover.  I also have this neat little sticky pad ( I think its made by BEADSMITH .  I use this on my beading board.  If you pour your beads on it they stick, you can easily pick them up but if you hit a bump or somebody touch's your stuff they don't spill all over the place.  Its a cool little contraption if it gets dirty you just wash it off and the sticky returns.  One more travel item is a beader's mini travel kit, its also made by BEADSMITH.  I wouldn't want to use the tools for my everyday tools but it sure works great for traveling, The kit comes in  a plastic box it has a mini bead board, round nose, flat nose and cutters, it also has a great little cutter which works well with fireline.  Its this scissor like contraption that has a razor clipper end to it.  Well those are my fit in my carry on travel friends, stuck at the airport out it comes watching a movie on the plane out it comes in a hotel or camp out it comes I call it my traveling bead kit.  I just love all the items in this kit. It makes traveling and beading great companions. Wonder if anybody out their also travels and has any idea's of things they take

Saturday, February 22, 2014

I have a favor to ask you.  If you read this page and are all amused or interested could you click the sign and go to our page and hit the Facebook like  on the first page of the web site.  If you have another couple minutes could you go to and like us, we have almost 3000 likes and would like to break the 3000 well I would love to hit 5000 but that's a ways away.  Social media is the bomb and I just can't learn enough about getting the word out about one of the nicest bead stores around.  Funny I am a little wacky, some might say a lot wacky, I was thinking about trying to get my likes with a viral campaign. Any opinions I was going to do one of those posts that I see.  Ya know the kid with the cardboard and it says my Dad says if I get  a million likes I can have a dog then ya see days later a post with the kid and her dog.  Instead it would be a fifty somthin lady with the cardboard and it would say my mom says if I get 10,000 likes for my bead store shell take me on a cruise.  I wonder if it would work.  Ha Ha if it just made people laugh and enjoy their day it would be fun.  Well if ya can like my store on facebook and like us on our page.  Thanks if ya can and thanks for just reading 
 I have to stop playing with the blogger page and do some pricing.  I really just want to sit down and do some beading.  I cant wait for spring, it's almost here and I think we need to design and post some idea's for anklets, I love anklets and I love duo beads, so guess what  anklet designs with duo beads coming up.  When I first saw the duos I thought okay whats the deal all about. Now I have made a bunch of projects and they are the best beads, well a little inconsistent, I recommend that you check both holes before incorporating them into your pattern (nothing worse than tearing out or breaking beads or trying to shove the awl threw a clogged hole)  Warning if you read my blog you will have to bear with my writing skills ha ha my grammar skills.  I forgot to learn the basics I would rather do fun creative things than write perfect grammar.  Hopefully you'll get the point.  Well time to work and keep designing in my head so then I can sit down with my beads and try some new patterns out  then to create directions so maybe you might like to make a fun little anklet for the spring.  

Friday, February 21, 2014

Okay so I own and operate a great bead store, so much fun so many beading supplies, I am now into the world of blogging, bare with me while I try to figure out how to set up a blog, thank goodness I am a better beader than blogger.  Sorry I am working on something I am totally unfamiliar with. 

Bead Addiction: Bead Addiction

Bead Addiction: Bead Addiction: Okay beaders, do you have something to say about your addiction, something to share, instructions, ideas, questions.  We all have the addict...